Monday, October 09, 2006

Columbus Day = Star Wars Marathon

Today is Columbus Day, which - in Illinois - means Public Schools have the day off. Beginning at approximately 7:30 AM, the Williams family came over, and we began a day-long "Star Wars Marathon." We've decided to go in episode sequence (I - VI), rather than watch them in the order of their theatrical release date. As I blog this post it's lunch time, and we're deep into Episode III. Miles, who enjoyed watching the Pod Races of Episode I, and the Yoda vs. Dooku light-saber battle in Episode II, has lost interest for the time being. Good timing, because there is quite a bit of Episode III that I don't want him to see at this age.

I am blown away by the amount of Star Wars trivia that Josiah and Allison know. I think it's really great that a movie series - that began when I was a child - still garners interest and captures the imagination of my children's generation.