Saturday, June 28, 2008

"Kids Win Every Time!"

Great day today.

First, we had the chance to meet Kenzie Rees! What a beautiful little girl, and we are so happy for Tim and Karey! It was also really fun to see Emery and Miles reunite with Tori again.

Bill and Victoria Seliger are spending the afternoon and evening with us today, and we all headed back into Heritage Fest this afternoon. Miles wanted to ride the "Ring of Fire" ... which goes upside down several times, and for a few moments stops completely at the top ... leaving the passengers hanging upside down. Bill and I rode with Miles. When we actually got in the ride, Miles got a little scared. But he loved the ride once it got moving. A good warm up for Six-Flags next week. I have to say, if he can do that, he can do just about any of the coasters at Six-Flags.

As we were leaving the Fest, Miles - while passing one of the gamming stands - saw a sign and exclaimed loudly, "Look Dad, it says 'Kids Win Every Time!' Can we do it?!"

Ahhhhhhhh ... I'm so happy he's reading now.

But it did start me thinking about Kenzie. Kristen and I have commented to one another before that she has won the lottery of life to have Karey and Tim as her loving parents. In this case, at least, "kids (do) win every time." Welcome home Kenzie!