Well, we enjoyed a wonderful July 4th as a family. Two parades, a huge neighborhood block-party, and we capped it off with fireworks at night. This was the first year that we kept the kids up at night and went to a local fireworks show in Downers Grove. We joined the Lutz family at O'Brien Park, and had a great time.
When the fireworks began there was a lot of the traditional "Oooooooh! Ahhhhh!" responses from those sitting in the park. Many of the specialty fireworks exploded into shapes.
Brayer: "Oooh! Guys, look at that! That one looked like a star!"
Next one ...
Kristen: "Hey ... that one was a heart."
After a few more ...
Miles: "That one looked like the Death Star!"
And then, after a rather generic firework exploded in an oval ...
Emery: "That one was pretty. It looked like a purse!"
Only Emery. I love her so much.