Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fatherly Field Trips

Last summer I did "Father/Daughter" and "Father/Son" outings with the kids. An entire day of me and one child. I think Miles and Emery must have liked it, because they actually remembered on their own and have been asking me all summer, "When are we doing our special day with daddy?"

So yesterday and today were our days. Each invited a friend to join them. Emery picked an American Girl movie, lunch at the mall and shopping. Go figure. She and her friend had fun picking out identical necklaces. How do five year old girls already do the shopping thing so naturally? Is it really in the DNA?

Miles picked bowling (while watching the Cubs game on TV), ice-cream, and playing Lego Star-Wars with a buddy. I actually bowled the best game of my life, including a "Turkey" (three strikes consecutively) which I had never done before. Miles and his buddy enjoyed calling me a turkey the rest of the day.
Kristen was telling someone about the "Father/Son Day" tonight, and as I listened to her talk about it I wondered if the person she was talking to presumed that I ignore my kids the other 363 days of the year ...