Miles and I are almost through one-half of the MLB parks on our quest to visit them all. During a rain-delay at the Reds game earlier this week, we decided to start a list of MLB Stadium Awards. We know that the owners of these facilities have all been waiting anxiously for the unveiling of our list ... so let's get to it ...
Best Distant View:
Colorado Rockies (Coors Field)
Who can compete with a Rocky Mountain sunset?

Best Outfield Lawn & Stadium View Coordination:
St. Louis Cardinals (Busch Stadium)
We love the way the outfield grass pays homage to the St. Louis Arch.
Best Camouflaged Bull Pen:
Colorado Rockies (Coors Field)
The space is hidden behind fake plastic boulders and trees. Could be mistaken for a National Park.
Most Humorous Activity Between Innings:
Milwaukee Brewers (Miller Park) - Sausage Race
Best National Anthem / Pre Game:
Minnesota Twins (Target Field)
I happened to be in line for food when the Anthem started. Unlike almost anywhere else, concession sales HALTED ... and I watched register workers stop what they were doing and start singing behind the counter. Wow. Made an impact on me. I'll never forget it.
Worst Men's Rooms:
Chicago Cubs (Wrigley Field)
Best Post Game Fireworks:
Cleveland Indians (Progressive Field)
Long show. Unbelievable synchronization with music.
Honorable mention ...
Chicago White Sox (US Cellular Field)
Most Family Friendly / Best Value for the Entire Family:
Cleveland Indians (Progressive Field)
Best Outfield Wall:
Chicago Cubs (Wrigley Field)
No brainer.
Most Beautifully Manicured Outfield Landscaping & Scoreboard:
Kansas City Royals (Kauffman Stadium)
The fountains … and the jumbo-tron … tough to beat.
Best Stadium Statue:
Minnesota Twins (Target Field) - Bronze Glove
Best Overall Food Item:
Minnesota Twins (Target Field) - Walk About Taco
If I were stranded on a deserted island, and could only have one thing to eat for the rest of my life … I think it would be this.
Best Popcorn:
New York Yankees (Yankee Stadium)
Those who know me that this is indeed a coveted prize, and quite an honor for any park.
Best Ball Park Mustard:
Cleveland Indians (Progressive Field)
Best Fast Food Option:
Log Angeles Angels
A Jack In The Box Taco at a baseball game? Are you kidding me? I was in Heaven.
Best Parking Scenario:
Cincinnati Reds (Great American Ballpark)
We literally drove right up to the stadium, made three left turns into a spacious underground garage, parked within 30 seconds, and walked up 1 flight of stairs to the front gate. Cost - $10
Worst Parking Scenario:
San Fransisco. Why did we try to drive to that ballpark? What a rookie mistake. I obviously did not do my homework. We were at the stadium 60 minutes before the first pitch, but could not find a single lot or garage with any open space. Drove up and down the streets of SF for 90 minutes trying to figure out what to do. Ultimately found a garage near an office building a good 1.5 mile walk from the stadium. We jogged, and only missed the first inning. I have no idea how the parking attendant fit our car into this space, but I took a picture for visual proof. Cost - $40
Best Chili Dog:
Cincinnati Reds (Great American Ballpark)
Best Patio Bar:
Detroit Tigers (Comerica Park)
Most Iconic Scoreboard
Chicago Cubs (Wrigley Field)
I'm not sure, but I believe Wrigley is the only remaining scoreboard where the scores are all completely non-electronic.
Best Ambiance (Party) / Atmosphere in the Outfield Seats
Chicago Cubs (Wrigley Field)
I may be biased here, given several college-days escapades.
Best Play By Play Announcer Heard During a Game:
Los Angeles Dodgers
Vin Scully. I felt like I was listening to a Hall of Fame Broadcaster. Oh, wait. I was!
Best Roof:
Milwaukee Brewers (Miller Park)
The engineering behind the retractable roof is mind-blowing.
Coolest Strikeout Celebration:
Cincinnati Reds (Great American Ballpark)
The fireworks spitting out of Riverboat Smokestacks were pretty nifty.