Friday, January 04, 2013

Day 6 - Palacio de Madrid / Segue Tour / Flamenco

We had an absolutely fabulous day in Madrid, beginning with a tour of the second largest palace in the world: the Royal Palace of Madrid.

From there we began our pre-booked tour of the city with Antony of "". It was Miles' and Emery's first time to use a Segue, and as I had anticipated the thrill of using the Segue matched (or exceeded?) their excitement for being in Spain.

They both did so well, maneuvering the Segues through a great deal of the city and enjoying a nearly four hour tour. It was a wonderful way to cover a lot of ground, keep them engaged in the tour, and learn some European history along the way.

After the tour we has a couple of hours to relax at the hotel prior to dinner. But before we kicked off our shoes, we had promised Emery - given her affinity for bacon - that we would visit the "Museum of Ham." Fortunately, one of the locations (in reality it's just a chain of shops) is just a block from our hotel. Thank you Google Maps!

Dinner tonight was a real treat. A traditional tapas meal followed by an amazing troupe of Flamenco dancers.

All four of us sat at a table right next to the stage. The sights and sounds were dramatic and breathtaking.

Our experiences today lead us all to agree that Madrid is a great city.